Sewing: Our History and Process

Among the variety of items we sell is a whole category dedicated to sewn products. You may even have one of our sewn products such as our coasters, bags, wristlets, quilts, or coin purses. Today we would like to discuss our history and the process of what goes into our sewn products to help our customers better understand the importance behind what they are buying.

The journey of selling sewn products at Mission Made Jewelry in 2019 with Haiti Awake, before Mission Made Jewelry became the sister company. Haiti Awake sent three boys from the Children’s Home, Kay Timoun, to sewing school. Here, Lorvens, Idelmy, and Migerlson were taught how to sew as a means of learning an occupation for future job opportunities.

When we became Mission Made Jewelry in 2020, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to have our boys use their skills! Using needle and thread, the boys started their first project making bookmarks for practice with the help of our amazing American volunteer, Michelle Carr. After making the bookmarks and bags, with the help of funds raised by The Rotary Club in Burgaw, North Carolina, we were able to purchase the sewing machines and did so in Haiti. This not only guarantees that the machines can be fixed if they break down, but was also a great opportunity to support the local economy. The boys’ first project using the sewing machines was sewing their own button-down shirts.

With Michelle’s extensive knowledge of sewing, she helped the boys learn how to follow patterns and sew their first coasters. After the coasters, we produced the large bags, coasters, simple wristlets, quilts, flat bottom wristlets, and finally our most recent project, coin purses. With Michelle’s great ideas and knowledge, she has been driving every sewing project since the start of this journey.

Sadly, the boys had to stop attending sewing school due to increased violence in the school’s area. Currently, Lorvens is on staff full time and sews all of our products with Michelle’s help. Even though Lorvens did not have the opportunity to finish sewing school, he still continues to learn and perfect the craft. So, when you purchase an item, you can expect Lorvens to have been behind it.

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When choosing material for our products we like to be sustainable by using up as much of our cloth as possible. We also try to embrace the Haitian fashion of fun patterns and colors with the materials we choose which is why you will see each product vary in style.


reflections from an intentional summer


Staff Feature: Steeve Derard